LiCe Retirement Notice

Looking after LiCe has been fun, but it’s time to cease and move on. I haven’t done any development work in the last few years aside from the smallest of small bugfixes. I don’t think anyone else uses LiCe, there might be maybe 10 others? IRC, as wonderful as it is, is a niche communications method these days. The world has moved on to things like Slack and Discord. This is a shame as messages sent on those platforms stay locked up and hidden away on those platforms, but they also bring many quality of life improvements like mobile, notifications, image sharing etc. Things a modern user expects and things that IRC has none of without hacks like bouncers etc.

Thus I’m going to stop working on LiCe. The good things is though, it’s open source and always has been. And if you’re keen to work on it, the wonderful folks in #epic on EFNet are always willing to lend a hand.
